“…Then, machine learning algorithms were adopted to train models. The published predictors about seven types of lysine modified sites are as follows: (1) Acetylation: NetAcet [ 2 ], PAIL [ 3 ], BRABSB-PHKA [ 4 ], PSKAcePred [ 5 ], LAceP [ 6 ], N-Ace [ 7 ], ASEB [ 8 ], ProAcePred [ 9 ] and DeepAcet [ 10 ]; (2) Glycation: GlyNN [ 11 ], PreGly [ 12 ], Gly-PseAAC [ 13 ], Glypre [ 14 ], BPB_GlySite [ 15 ], and iProtGly-SS [ 16 ]; (3) Succinylation: SucPred [ 17 ], iSuc-PseAAC [ 18 ], iSuc-PseOpt [ 19 ], SuccFind [ 20 ], SuccinSite [ 21 ], pSuc-Lys [ 22 ], SSEvol-Suc [ 23 ], and PSuccE [ 24 ]; (4) Ubiquitination: UbPred [ 25 ], CKSAAP_UbSite [ 26 ], UbiProber [ 27 ], UbiNet [ 28 ] and DeepUbi [ 29 ]; (5) SUMO: SUMOpre [ 30 ], SUMmOn [ 31 ] and seeSUMO [ 32 ]; (6) Methylation: AutoMotif Server [ 33 ], MASA [ 34 ], and PSSMe [ 35 ]; (7) Malonylation: MaloPred [ 36 ] and Mal-Lys [ 37 ]. However, these tools cannot implement classification of all potential lysine modified PTMs, only focusing on a single type, which limits the possibility of mining more information and ignores the interconnections of multiple PTMs.…”