The Antemoro are an ethnic group from the southeast coast of Madagascar who claims an Arab origin. Cultural signatures of an Arabo-Islamic influence have been found in this region. Nevertheless, their origins are very contentious. Through this study, we want to determine whether this ethnic group had a particular GM profile that differentiated it from other Malagasy populations, and whether there were detectable genetic traces of the Arabo-Islamic migration. The Gm polymorphisms of IgG immunoglobulins was analysed in a population of Antemoro (N = 85), two other Malagasy populations from northern Fihereňa (N = 82) and southern Fihereňa (N = 50) and in a Comorian population (N = 171). This last group was used to enlarge the database for genetic comparisons. Results revealed significant contributions from Africa (60%, 0.092 ≤F(ST) ≤ 0.280) and Southeast Asia (40%, 0.043 ≤ F(ST) ≤ 0.590) to the Antemoro genetic pool. No direct genetic relationships with the Middle East. These results bring new insights into the population history of Madagascar.