Abstract. In Web Engineering (WE), several Goal-oriented Requirements Engineering (GORE) approaches have emerged using its advantages, such as the representation of actors, their intentions, goals and the tasks needed to achieve the goal, for requirements specification with promising results. Regrettably, the use of GORE approaches has one, among others, gap detected, the scalability. In these modeling frameworks, when the designer performs the requirements specification, the requirements diagram (model) trends to rapidly grow, becoming very difficult to use in projects with a considerable amount of requirements changing and growing constantly. In this paper, we propose an association form for the i* goal-oriented modeling framework in order to define the creation of two type of modules: Navigational and Service modules, since these are the two types of functional requirements more used for requirements specification in our proposal. Furthermore, we provide an example of application. Finally, with this approach, the benefits are: firstly, the scalability of the Web requirements model will be increased, therefore the model will be less complex and easier to understand and maintain, and secondly, the construction of modeling tools improving the user experience, the maintainability of the models and its reuse.