Background: The high burden of chronic kidney disease and its substantial impact on quality of life demands innovative patient care strategies. Improved outcomes are linked with patient centred interventions which address psychosocial as well as physical needs. Given the high incidence of kidney disease among First Nations people, culturally responsive approaches are also needed. The Stay Strong app is a holistic wellbeing tool designed with Northern Territory First Nations people. This study explores the suitability of the Stay Strong app as a patient-centred self-management tool as shown by the readiness of participants to engage in goal setting. Data were collected during a clinical trial which showed efficacy of the tool in improving wellbeing for people with both End Stage Kidney Disease and symptoms of distress and depression. Methods: First Nations (i.e., Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) participants receiving haemodialysis in the Northern Territory (n = 156) entered a three-arm, waitlist, single-blind randomised controlled trial which provided collaborative goal setting using the Stay Strong app at baseline or at 3 months. Qualitative data gathered during delivery of the intervention were examined using both content and thematic analysis. Results: Almost all participants (147, 94%) received a Stay Strong session: of these, 135 (92%) attended at least two sessions, and 83 (56%) set more than one wellbeing goal. Using a deductive approach to manifest content, 13 categories of goals were identified. The three most common were to: ‘connect with family or other people’, ‘go bush/be outdoors’ and ‘go home/be on country’. Analysis of latent content identified three themes throughout the goals: ‘social and emotional wellbeing’, ‘physical health’ and ‘cultural connection’. Conclusion: This study provides evidence of the suitability of the Stay Strong app for use as a chronic condition self-management tool for First Nations people. Participants set goals that addressed physical as well as social and emotional wellbeing needs. The goal setting intervention aligns directly with self-management approaches that are holistic and prioritise individual empowerment. While biomedical models focus on the mechanics of illness, the findings share a strong message that healing also comes through family, country, and cultural identity. Implementation of self-management strategies into routine care remains a key challenge and further research is needed to establish drivers of success.