In the present work, the integrated management of water-territorial resources and governance of the Vinces river basin, which is part of the great Guayas river basin, applied to changes in the use of land and water for agricultural irrigation was addressed. In a descriptive study, the physical-natural and topographic characteristics of the Vinces river basin were studied, focusing on the evolution of the historical management of the Guayas river, a map of public and private actors, as well as current regulations for integrated management of basin management. hydrographic. Existing irrigation projects and agricultural land uses in the upper, middle and lower Vinces river areas were analyzed, complemented by analysis of water demand for agricultural irrigation. Likewise, the limitations of the state administration system were analyzed, showing that there is a high demand for water for agricultural irrigation of monocultures, whose higher productivity rate coincides with the country's summer, so that the pressure on surface water courses places them in critical deficit. It is concluded that there are shortcomings in the current management of the hydrographic basins of Ecuador, making it necessary to apply integrated governance models for their sustainable management.