The linear stage of short-wave Giirtler vortices in the boundary layer near a concave surface is studied for the regime of weak hypersonic viscid-inviscid interaction at high Reynolds and G6rtler numbers. It is assumed that the gas is perfect and the viscosity isAn asymptotic theory (for high Reynolds and G6rtler numbers) of G6rtler vortices [7] has been developed [1-6] for a liquid. The basic modes are studied in order of increasing wavelength of the vortices:--neutral short-wave vortices that have risen into the main part of the boundary layer, near-wall short-wave vortices with a maximum growth rate, --vortices with a wavelength comparable with the boundary-layer thickness, --long-wave first mode, which induces a three-layer disturbed flow, long-wave neutral vortices with a maximum wavelength, for which the "growth" of the boundary layer should be taken into account.Model boundary-value problems have been posed for all regimes, similarity parameters have been determined, and numerical or analytical solutions have been obtained in a linear approximation. Nonlinear solutions have been obtained for certain regimes [8][9][10].The modern stage of development of hypersonic flying vehicles has initiated the study of G6rtler vortices in a gas. These ordered vortex structures can significantly affect heat exchange in boundary layers and flow structures with a curvature (for example, due to flow reattachment [ll D. In early papers, for instance [12], the effect of various flow parameters on the eigenvalues of linearized Navier-Stokes equations was studied. It has been found that the allowance for compressibility, an increase in viscosity, or an increase in the surface temperature have a stabilizing effect on the vortices, whereas adverse pressure gradients have an opposite effect. Obviously, for moderate free-stream Mach numbers, the structure of the vortices should not be significantly different from their structure in a liquid. Thus, Spall and Malik [13] and Wadey [14] studied long-wave vortices in a gas for which it is necessary to take into account the "growth" of the boundary layer. It has been found that unstable vortices shift toward the outer edge of the boundary layer as the Mach number increases [14]. Lipatov [15] and Bogolepov and Lipatov [16] studied an asymptotic structure of vortices with a wavelength comparable with or exceeding the boundary-layer thickness. It this case, the effects of varying gas density can be manifested. It is usually assumed, however, that the main difference of the hypersonic boundary layer from the boundary layer in a liquid is the presence of a temperature adjustment layer near the boundary-layer edge, where the temperature rapidly decreases from the deceleration value to its free-stream value