Kynurenic acid (KYNA) is an endogenous substance produced on the kynurenine pathway which is primarily known for its neuroactive properties. Recently, it has been proven that KYNA is a selective ligand for G protein-coupled receptor (GPR 35), presented on immunocompetent cells such as T lymphocytes. This opens up new possibilities of its application as an immunostimulating substance in aquaculture. Thus far, no histopathological investigations in fish have been completed to evaluate influence of KYNA supplementation in feed. This study has been undertaken to determine the effect of feed supplementation with KYNA (2.5, 25, 250 mg kg of feed) for 28 days on the liver, gills and kidney in healthy fish and experimentally infected with Yersinia ruckeri. In a control group were observed a fatty liver, which is natural for this fish species in the autumn and winter season. As the dose of the supplement was increased, the fat liver changed, it decreased or completely disappeared. Additionally, inflammatory changes occurred in all the analysed organs, and their intensification was dose dependent. In the fish experimentally infected, KYNA caused aggravation of the signs in the liver, kidneys and gills, and the effect was dose dependent. The results implicate that KYNA may be a stressor for fish.