emerging nanobiotechnologies rely on the proper function of
proteins immobilized on gold nanoparticles. Often, the surface chemistry
of the AuNP is engineered to control the orientation, surface coverage,
and structure of the adsorbed protein to maximize conjugate function.
Here, we chemically modified antibody to investigate the effect of
protein surface chemistries on adsorption to AuNPs. A monoclonal anti-horseradish
peroxidase IgG antibody (anti-HRP) was reacted with N-succinimidyl
acrylate (NSA) or reduced dithiobissuccinimidyl propionate (DSP) to
modify lysine residues. Zeta potential measurements confirmed that
both chemical modifications reduced the localized regions of positive
charge on the protein surface, while the DSP modification incorporated
additional free thiols. Dynamic light scattering confirmed that native
and chemically modified antibodies adsorbed onto AuNPs to form bioconjugates;
however, adsorption kinetics revealed that the NSA-modified antibody
required significantly more time to allow for the formation of a hard
corona. Moreover, conjugates formed with the NSA-modified antibody
lost antigen-binding function, whereas unmodified and DSP-modified
antibodies adsorbed onto AuNPs to form functional conjugates. These
results indicate that high-affinity functional groups are required
to prevent protein unfolding and loss of function when adsorbed on
the AuNP surface. The reduced protein charge and high-affinity thiol
groups on the DSP-modified antibody enabled pH-dependent control of
protein orientation and the formation of highly active conjugates
at solution pHs (<7.5) that are inaccessible with unmodified antibody
due to conjugate aggregation. This study establishes parameters for
protein modification to facilitate the formation of highly functional
and stable protein–AuNP conjugates.