Transition-metal-catalyzed cross-couplingr eactions are central to many organic synthesis methodologies. Traditionally,P d, Ni, Cu, and Fe catalysts are used to promote these reactions. Recently,m any studies have showedt hat both homogeneous and heterogeneous Au catalysts can be used for activating selective cross-coupling reactions.H ere, an overview of the past studies, current trends, andf uture directions in the field of gold-catalyzed coupling reactions is presented.D esign strategiest oa ccomplish selective homocoupling and cross-coupling reactions under both homogeneous and heterogeneous conditions, computational and ex-perimental mechanistic studies, and their applicationsi nd iverse fields are critically reviewed. Specific topics covered are:o xidant-assisted and oxidant-free reactions;s train-assisted reactions;d ual Au and photoredoxc atalysis;b imetallic synergistic reactions;m echanismso fr eductivee limination processes;e nzyme-mimicking Au chemistry;c lustera nd surface reactions;a nd plasmonic catalysis. In the relevant sections, theoretical and computational studies of Au I /Au III chemistry are discussed and the predictionsf rom the calculationsa re compared with the experimental observations to derive useful design strategies.A. Nijamudheen earnedh is PhD from IACS, Kolkata,i n2 015. Currently,h ei sapostdoctoral researcher atF loridaS tate University.H is researchi nterests are in computational catalysis, solar energym aterials, and beyond Li-ion battery technologies.Ayan Dattai sc urrently aP rofessor at IACS, Kolkata.H is research interests include theoretical and computational studieso ft ransitionmetal-catalyzed reactions,o pto-electronic properties of organic and solid-statem aterials, and the design of renewableenergymaterials. He has won several awards including the DST-SERB Distinguished Investigator Award (DIA) in 2019.