Differing degrees of alteration of the dikes relative to the most intensely altered pyroclastic rocks which they cut indicates a complex history of overlapping hydrothermal and volcanic activity at the prospect.Three associations of hydrothermal alteration have been recognized in the study area and represent expression of the hydrothermal system at differing lateral and vertical distances from the center of activity.The lava flow sequences overlying the pyroclastic rocks acted as a limited permeability barrier on the system, and hydrothermal activity was controlled mainly by structures.The main system alteration, Type 3, is found at the Wind River prospect, and is controlled by the northeast-trending No. 5 structure.The alteration is zoned and grades from a chlorite-smectite zone as the least altered to a smectite zone with decreasing chlorite and increasing illite toward a more intensely altered zone of calcite-Fe-carbonateillite-kaolinite-quartz. The inner zone is of illite-kaolinite-quartz, and includes the No. 5 structure, which consists of discontinuous stringers of fine-grained, sulfide-rich quartz in a clay matrix. Restricted "leaks" from the system produced Type 1 "rootless zone" alteration peripheral to the main system. These zones are characterized by localized, quartz-cemented breccias which may contain calcite, and which lack obvious structural controls. Alteration of wallrock and breccia clasts is weak to moderate. Geochemical anomalies of Sb were detected in these zones.