The search for bodily beauty is as old as time and so is the concept of esthetics. [1] The thirst for bodily beauty has been existing in man from time immemorial. Although man has tried innumerable ways to adorn and beautify himself, this thirst seems unquenchable. Piercings, tattoos, body paintings, haircuts, and intentional scarring or scarifications are some of the various ways man has been trying to beautify and make himself unique. [2,3] Every culture has its own perception of beauty and teeth are considered as a focal point in the determination of wealth and fashion across many cultures. [2] Dental alterations remain the most frequent of all body modifications. [1] Healthy teeth represent youth, beauty, strength, and health. Dental modification is an ancient practice that has existed throughout history and is still practiced today in many parts of the world. Dental modifications are a valuable contribution to the identification of individuals with respect to geography, ethnicity, and culture. [4] They give us clues about the socioeconomic status of the population, their sociocultural status, migratory routes and cultural interactions. [1,5,6] Today, it exists in various other forms such as tooth diamonds, gold crowns, dental grills, tooth tattoos, tooth rings, tooth piercings, oral and perioral piercings. This review embarks on a journey from the past to the present, to understand the evolution of dental jewelry and the possible underlying reasons for its persistent presence in the society.