This chapter presents selected GW flow and radionuclide contaminant transport results from PORFLOW for the VZ and aquifer zone for each type of DU (STs, ETs, LAWV, ILV, and NRCDAs). Results for the nominal PA compliance case and various sensitivity cases are given. Results for the VZ include water saturation spatial profiles and radionuclide flux-to-the-watertable time profiles. Aquifer zone results include maximum concentration spatial contours; radionuclide concentration time profiles at the 100-meter POA; and peak concentrations at the 100-meter POA and time of occurrence for each modeled radionuclide. Dose history time profiles and preliminary disposal limits for the GW pathway are provided in Chapter 8. GoldSim ® model results for the air pathway and radon flux analyses for the four types of DUs are also presented and include peak doses (air) and fluxes (radon), peak times, and dose limits. Appendices supplement the limited results included in the chapter. Section 5.1 presents GW, air, and radon pathways results for STs and ETs. The GW pathway results include generic waste as well as simple and complex SWFs. Section 5.2 provides GW, air, and radon pathways results for the LAWV. Section 5.3 summarizes GW, air, and radon pathways results for the ILV. The GW pathway results are for generic waste and five SWFs. Section 5.4 presents GW, air, and radon pathways results for the NRCDAs. GW pathway results include generic waste and SWFs.