We have used a combination of ultrafast coherent phonon spectroscopy, ultrafast thermometry, and timedependent Landau theory to study the inversion symmetry breaking phase transition at T c ¼ 200 K in the strongly spin-orbit coupled correlated metal Cd 2 Re 2 O 7 . We establish that the structural distortion at T c is a secondary effect through the absence of any softening of its associated phonon mode, which supports a purely electronically driven mechanism. However, the phonon lifetime exhibits an anomalously strong temperature dependence that decreases linearly to zero near T c . We show that this behavior naturally explains the spurious appearance of phonon softening in previous Raman spectroscopy experiments and should be a prevalent feature of correlated electron systems with linearly coupled order parameters. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.047601 The strongly spin-orbit coupled metallic pyrochlore Cd 2 Re 2 O 7 undergoes an unusual cubic-to-tetragonal phase transition below a critical temperature T c ¼ 200 K that breaks structural inversion symmetry [1]. Unlike many other pyrochlore 5d transition metal oxides such as Cd 2 Os 2 O 7 [2] or members of the R 2 Ir 2 O 7 (R ¼ rare earth) family [3], which undergo paramagnetic metal-to-antiferromagnetic insulator transitions below a similar temperature scale, the phase transition in Cd 2 Re 2 O 7 is from metal to metal [4-6] and does not appear to be accompanied by any longrange magnetic order [7][8][9]. Extensive efforts to determine the underlying mechanism of the phase transition in Cd 2 Re 2 O 7 using x-ray diffraction [1,6,10,11], local magnetic probes [7][8][9], optical spectroscopy [12][13][14], and various theoretical approaches [15][16][17][18] have produced conflicting pictures.For many years, the leading hypothesis was that the transition is driven by the freezing of a soft zone-centered phonon mode with E u symmetry [15]. This mechanism is described by a Landau free energy FðΦÞ¼aðT=T c −1ÞΦ 2 þ bΦ 4 , where Φ is the structural order parameter, and requires the natural frequency of the E u phonon to monotonically approach zero near T c , as illustrated in Fig. 1(a). Such a scenario is supported by Raman spectroscopy experiments [12], which detect the apparent softening of an E u phonon near T c , as well as by density functional theory calculations that find an unstable oxygen E u phonon at zero temperature [16].A competing hypothesis is that the phase transition is driven by an electronic order. Specific theoretical proposals include an odd-parity electronic nematic order [17,19,20], which arises from a Pomeranchuk instability in the p-wave spin interaction channel [17], as well as a combination of odd-parity quadrupolar and even-parity octupolar magnetic orders [18]. Recent optical second harmonic generation (SHG) measurements have indeed uncovered an odd-parity electronic order parameter Ψ u with T 2u symmetry that The E u structural distortion is a secondary order parameter linearly coupled to the primary electronic order driving the phase transi...