We give necessary and sufficient conditions in order for the class of projectively coresolved Gorenstein flat modules, PGF , (respectively that of projectively coresolved Gorenstein B flat modules, PGF B ) to coincide with the class of Ding projective modules (DP). We show that PGF = DP if and only if every Ding projective module is Gorenstein flat. This is the case if the ring R is coherent for example. We include an example to show that the coherence is a sufficient, but not a necessary condition in order to have PGF = DP. We also show that PGF = DP over any ring R of finite weak Gorenstein global dimension (this condition is also sufficient, but not necessary). We prove that if the class of Ding projective modules, DP, is covering then the ring R is perfect. And we show that, over a coherent ring R, the converse also holds. We also give necessary and sufficient conditions in order to have PGF = GP, where GP is the class of Gorenstein projective modules.2010 MSC: 16E05, 16E10.