Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the possible ( ) [ ( )] associations between lipoprotein a Lp a concentrations or ( ) apolipoprotein a isoforms and the mode of clinical presentation ( ) ( of coronary heart disease CHD acute thrombotic event or ) not .Methods A total of 131 CHD patients and 71 age-and ( gender-matched individuals without known CAD free of ) symptoms of heart disease were enrolled in the study. CHD patients were classified into patients with a history of an acute ( ) coronary syndrome ACS, n = 94 and patients with stable ( ) () angina SA, n = 37 . Lp a levels were measured with an ELISA ( ) method, whereas apolipoprotein a isoform analysis was ( ) performed in all patients and 33 controls by electrophoresis in 1.5% SDS-agarose gels followed by immunoblotting. Isoform ( ) size was expressed as the number of kringle 4 K4 repeats. ( ) [ Results ACS patients had higher Lp a plasma levels 21.9 ( ) ] ( 0.8-84.1 mg / dl and a greater proportion of elevated G 30 ) ( ) ( ) mg / dl Lp a concentrations 25.5% compared with SA [ ( ) patients 9.2 0.8-50.5 mg / dl, P -0.01 and 10.8%, ] [ ( ) P -0.05 and controls 8.0 0.8-55.0 mg / dl, P -0.01 and ] 11.2%, P -0.05 , while there were no differences between ( ) SA patients and controls. The median apolipoprotein a -isoform ( ) size was 26 K4. In 17 10% patients we could not detect any ( ) apolipoprotein a isoform bands by immunoblotting. ACS ( patients had a higher proportion of isoforms -26 K4 low ) ( molecular weight than SA patients 56/ 85 vs. 12/ 33, ) ( ) P -0.005 and controls 10/ 29, P -0.005 .Conclusions CAD patients with a history of ACS have higher ( ) Lp a plasma levels and a significantly higher proportion of low ( ) molecular weight apolipoprotein a isoforms compared with patients with SA or to controls.