When the "sender-receiver", also known as "communicating compartment", instead of "the cell", is adopted as the universal unit of structure and function of living matter, organic-and cultural evolution automatically emerge as the two sides of the same coin. This proposed conceptual switch makes "problem-solving activity" instead of gene-protein activity a key in understanding adaptation and evolution. The concept "problem-solving activity" has no teleological meaning in neo-Darwinism. This paradigm shift also allows for a plausible definition of "life" (L), as the sum of communication acts (C), L = ∑C. Any sender-receiver harbors two memory systems: genetic and cognitive. Using a human metaphor, where relevant, two types of progeny can (co)exist: "physical children" and "pupils". Any act of communication is a problem-solving act, because all messages, regardless of their nature, are coded. Hence, any receiver invariably faces the problem of how to extract and respond to the incoming information. Some biological problems are solved "the hardware way" (Darwinian organic evolution), others "the software way" (Lamarckian cultural evolution). Mega-Evolution means life's evolution as a hardware-software double continuum governed by the principles of both genetics and communication.