A method utilizing the cyclic spectral analysis (CSA) and reduced-rank multistage Wiener filtering (RR-MSWF) algorithm to mitigate the interference for the GPS receiver is proposed. In many cases, interference from adjacent channel or from cochannel overlaps on the weak global positioning system (GPS) signal in both time and frequency domains, and it is hard to mitigate this kind of strong interference with the conventional filtering techniques. While with the proposed method given in the paper, we can mitigate the interference effectively. The general process of the proposed method is that first we get the cyclic frequencies (CFs) of the strong interference by CSA of the received GPS signal. And then with the obtained CFs of the interference, we use the blind adaptive frequency shift (BA-FRESH) filter to get the principal process of mitigating the strong interference and separating the weak GPS signal. Finally by utilizing the efficient RR-MSWF algorithm to implement the BA-FRESH filtering, we can mitigate the strong interference effectively and hence improve the performance of the GPS receiver.