With the recent advances in technology, automatic speech recognition (ASR) has been widely used in real-world applications. The efficiency of converting large amounts of speech into text accurately with limited resources has become more vital than ever. In this study, we propose a method to rapidly recognize a large speech database via a transformer-based end-to-end model.Transformers have improved the state-of-the-art performance in many fields. However, they are not easy to use for long sequences. In this study, various techniques to accelerate the recognition of real-world speeches are proposed and tested, including decoding via multiple-utterance-batched beam search, detecting end of speech based on a connectionist temporal classification (CTC), restricting the CTC-prefix score, and splitting long speeches into short segments. Experiments are conducted with the Librispeech dataset and the real-world Korean ASR tasks to verify the proposed methods. From the experiments, the proposed system can convert 8 h of speeches spoken at real-world meetings into text in less than 3 min with a 10.73% character error rate, which is 27.1% relatively lower than that of conventional systems.