-Nowadays game engines are imperative for building 3D applications and games. This is for the reason that the engines appreciably reduce resources for employing obligatory but intricate utilities. This paper elucidates about a game engine, popular games developed by these engines and its foremost elements. It portrays a number of special kinds of contemporary game developed by engines in the way of their aspects, procedure and deliberates their stipulations with comparison.Keywords -Game Engine, Non-Cloud Gaming Platforms, Cloud Gaming Platforms, Popular Games, GPGPU I. IntRoductIon I n general, the notion of game engine is very easy to comprehend. It is a platform for performing game related tasks like interpretation, physics related reckoning, and to facilitate developers for focusing on the niceties that make the game inimitable. Engines are in reality an assemblage of reusable modules that can be manipulated in order to carry a game towards realism. Indeed, there are certain disparities between a game and a game engine [1]. Graphics, animation, audio, physics, UI and AI are the major different constituents of an engine. Conversely the subject matter of a game, its definite characters and background, real world avatar and its behaviours etc. are the components that create the real game. Game engines are middleware's.Game engines produce the replication of actual world in the digital world by controlling the elementary physics. Games developed by these engines make user, casual or die-hard player. In general, smartphone operators, as mobile game players, are alike casual gamers rather than die-hard gamers. In contradiction of die-hard gamers, casual gamers are outlined as less dedicated, less spirited, and more tranquil users. Casual gamers incline to be not as much of ardent and less fascinated to classy or multifarious games (comparative to gameplay, achieve target, environs, graphics, chaps, etc.).The market for video games is growing, with sales in 2015 of $91.5 billion marking an 11.84% increase over 2014, at this price global revenues are expected to reach $107 billion in 2017. However, growth is not only in sales but also in the miscellany of matter offered, vacillating from scholastic games to first-person shooters. In addition, a captivating conjunction of mass media is proceeding with video games, having motion picture eminence cut-scenes and voiceover.In a cloud environment, the task of service provider is separated into two: the infrastructure providers managing cloud platforms and rent assets conferring to a usage, and service providers leasing assets from one or more infrastructure providers to assist the users. Lately, a novel type of cloud service has been familiarized, which have the utmost severe exigencies on network Quality of Service (QoS) to date known as cloud gaming. However, in cloud gaming the complete user experience is provided through the network. This creates dissimilarity between cloud gaming and conventional online Gaming in stipulations of network quality of experience...