In this paper we derive a closed formula for the (Z × Z 2 )-graded dimension of the cyclotomic quiver Hecke superalgebra R Λ (β) associated to an arbitrary Cartan superdatum (A, P, Π, Π ∨ ), polynomialsn and Λ ∈ P + . As applications, we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for which e(ν) = 0 in R Λ (β). We construct an explicit monomial basis for the bi-weight space e( ν)R Λ (β)e( ν), where ν is a certain specific ntuple defined in (1.4). In particular, this gives rise to a monomial basis for the cyclotomic odd nilHecke algebra. Finally, we consider the case when β = α 1 +α 2 +• • •+αn with α 1 , • • • , αn distinct. We construct an explicit monomial basis of R Λ (β) and show that it is indecomposable in this case.