5LRFD (Load and Resistance Factor Design) is becoming a design method of choice in 6 geotechnical practice, in lieu of the factor of safety (FS)-based design approach. However, even 7 with LRFD, the need to reduce the variation in the predicted performance of a geotechnical 8 system (or a geotechnical structure), referred to herein as the system response under applied 9 loads, is still apparent. This paper presents a novel approach for applying existing LRFD codes, 10 with explicit consideration of design robustness, safety, and cost efficiency. The recently 11 developed reliability-based robust geotechnical design (RGD) approach is modified such that it 12 can be integrated with the standard LRFD approach. This modified RGD approach is termed R-13 LRFD, which stands for Robust Load and Resistance Factor Design. In R-LRFD, the robustness 14 of the system response against the variation in uncertain parameters is explicitly considered. 15Unlike the reliability-based design (RBD), the user is not required to conduct a full statistical 16 characterization of uncertain parameters. With R-LRFD, the gain in the robustness, as reflected 17 by the reduction in the sensitivity of the system response to the recognized but unquantified 18 uncertainty of input parameters, is accompanied by an increase in cost. Thus, the concepts of 19 Pareto front and knee point are introduced to aid in making an informed design decision. 20Further, a simplified procedure is developed to identify the most preferred design (knee point) 21 in the design space, which is generally solved with multi-objective optimization algorithms. 22 The effectiveness and significance of the proposed R-LRFD approach are demonstrated with 23 © 2016. This manuscript version is made available under the Elsevier user license http://www.elsevier.com/open-access/userlicense/1.0/ 2 two examples: one is the design of drilled shaft in sand (illustrated with a discrete design space) 24 and the other is the design of drilled shaft in clay (illustrated with a continuous design space). 25 26 42 43 3 the statistics of soil parameters (e.g., Wang and Cao 2013; Cao and Wang 2014) and model 62 errors (e.g., Zhang et al. 2009&2010), the statistics of soil parameters and those of model errors 63could not be characterized with certainty due to limited availability of site-specific data. 64Because of the difficulty in obtaining the accurate statistical characterization of soil parameters 65 and model errors in practice, the RBD approach is not widely applied in geotechnical practice; 66 4 rather, the load and resistance factor design (LRFD) approach, which is a simpler variant of the 67 RBD approach by design, is more commonly used. The LRFD code employs partial factors 68 (e.g., resistance factors and load factors), which have been calibrated to achieve a target 69 reliability index approximately over a range of design scenarios covered by the code. From a 70 user's perspective, the partial factors for a given geotechnical design problem using a given 71 solution model are specifi...