Inverse problems occur in a variety of parameter identification tasks in engineering. Such problems are challenging in practice, as they require repeated evaluation of computationally expensive forward models. We introduce a unifying framework of multilevel optimization that can be applied to a wide range of optimization-based solvers. Our framework provably reduces the computational cost associated with evaluating the expensive forward maps stemming from various physical models. To demonstrate the versatility of our analysis, we discuss its implications for various methodologies including multilevel (accelerated, stochastic) gradient descent, a multilevel ensemble Kalman inversion and a multilevel Langevin sampler. We also provide numerical experiments to verify our theoretical findings.keywords multilevel methods, optimization, inverse problems * This work was finished during the visit of Simon Weissmann and Jakob Zech at MIT. SW and JZ would like to thank Youssef Marzouk and Ashia Wilson for the invitation to visit, for providing a fruitful research environment and for their kind hospitality. Moreover, SW and JZ thank Universität Heidelberg for helping to fund the visit as part of the program "Mobilitätsmassnahmen im Rahmen internationaler Forschungskooperationen".