In this paper a we derive by means of Γ-convergence a macroscopic strain-gradient plasticity from a semi-discrete model for dislocations in an infinite cylindrical crystal. In contrast to existing work, we consider an energy with subquadratic growth close to the dislocations. This allows to treat the stored elastic energy without the need to introduce an ad-hoc cut-off radius. As the main tool to prove a complementing compactness statement, we present a generalized version of the geometric rigidity result for fields with non-vanishing curl. A main ingredient is a fine decomposition result for L 1 -functions whose divergence is in certain critical Sobolev spaces.If β is a gradient then this estimates reduces to the geometric rigidity result in [29]. This estimate allows us to control the rotational invariance of the energy in order to obtain a compactness result for a sequence of suitably rescaled elastic strains which induce a uniformly bounded rescaled elastic energy, Theorem 1.2. The proof of the generalized (nonlinear) Korn's inequality in [20] and [30] rely on a fine estimate due to Bourgain and Brézis (see [3,4] and also [5]). It states that an L 1 -function in two dimensions, whose divergence is in H −2 , is already in H −1 andFor our mixed-growth situation we prove a corresponding result, namely we show that an L 1 -function whose divergence is in the space H −2 + W −2,p , for 1 < p < 2, belongs to the space H −1 + W −1,p . Corresponding estimates hold, Theorem 1.4.The paper is organized as follows. In Subsection 1.1 we introduce notation and the mathematical setting of the problem. The main results are presented in Subsection 1.2. In Section 2 we prove the generalized Bourgain-Brézis decomposition result which we use in Section 3 to show the generalized geometric rigidity result in the mixed growth case. Finally, the proof of the Γ-convergence result can be found in Section 4.
Setting of the ProblemLet Ω ⊆ R 2 be a simply-connected, bounded domain with Lipschitz boundary representing the cross section of an infinite cylindrical crystal. The set of (normalized) minimal Burgers vectors for the given crystal is denoted by S = {b 1 , b 2 } for two linearly independent vectors b 1 , b 2 ∈ R 2 . Moreover, set S = span Z S = {λ 1 b 1 + λ 2 b 2 : λ 1 , λ 2 ∈ Z} to be the the set of (renormalized) admissible Burgers vectors. Let ε > 0 the interatomic distance for the given crystal. We define the set of admissible dislocation densities as a subset of the R 2 -valued Radon measures M(Ω; R 2 ), namelywhere we assume that ρ ε satisfies 1. lim ε→0 ρ ε /ε s = ∞ for all fixed s ∈ (0, 1) and