The effects of two levels of salinity on photosynthetic properties of olive (Olea europea L.) leaves were observed either in low or in high H20 vapor pressure deficit (vpd). Under moderate salt stress, stomata were found to be less open and responsive both to light and vpd, but the predominant limitation of photosynthesis was due to the mesophyll capacity of CO2 fixation. We elaborate a procedure to correlate mesophyll capacity and liquid phase diffusive conductance. The estimated liquid phase diffusive conductance was reduced by salt and especially by high vpd; morphological and physiological changes could be responsible for this reduction. As a result, the chloroplast CO2 partial pressure was found to decrease both under salt and vpd stress, thus resulting in a ribulose-1, Salinity affects an area three times greater than all the land presently irrigated in the world. It is involved in many structural changes of plants and in variations of gas-exchange properties of leaves. Photosynthesis is generally thought to be reduced by toxic levels of sodium or chloride (1 1 in marginal water use cost was seen; however, WUE was significantly reduced. Lloyd et al. (1 1) found that in orange the primary effect of salt stress was a reduction of mesophyll capacity for CO2 assimilation, which also resulted in a lowering of WUE. Finally, vpd, already indicated as the main cause of midday depression (16), was found to affect the response to salt in several species, as described in mangroves (2) where it causes a further reduction both in A and WUE.Olive is a plant considered to show intermediate salt tolerance (6, 19), and its response to salt is typical ofMediterranean evergreens. Moreover, salt stress is important in olive culture since dilute seawater irrigation is normally supplied in summer when temperature and drought induce very high vpd. A common feature of salt-stressed olive leaves is an increase in cell wall thickness and in total leaf thickness, as observed in other glycophytes and, to a lesser extent, in halophytes (15). Previous experience with greenhouse-grown olive plants (24) has shown a large increase in leaf thickness and a dramatic reduction of photosynthetic capacity during salt treatment, indicating irreversible leaf damage at approximately 200 mM Cl -concentration in the sap.The present study further examines salt effects in this glycophytic evergreen and attempts to establish how high vpd can aggravate these effects. To this aim we have carried out measurements of quantum yield, Chl fluorescence, CO2 and 02 responses of photosynthesis and have calculated 02 effects on photosynthesis. Changes in CO2 permeability inside the leaves were also considered since in schlerophyllous leaves the increase in leaf thickness could produce a substantial variation in the resistance to C02 diffusion (14).
THEORYThe total diffusive resistance to CO2 (r,) can be separated into gas diffusive resistance (rd) and liquid phase diffusive resistance (r,). Parkhurst et al. (14) reported a relationship between rd, the dif...