The paper examines worldwide patterns of operations of IT education using 31 countries' data on IT education focusing on contexts, inputs, processes and outcomes of IT education with the endin-view of deriving sets of national policies for IT education in the Philippines. In all, 13 variables were used as multivariate inputs to a cluster analysis algorithm which aim to cluster countries in terms of a 13 x 13 similarity matrix utilizing a hierarchical cluster method. Data per variable needed in the cluster analysis were obtained from the internet in most of the countries identified. Results revealed that developing countries' IT education differed from the IT education of developed and less developed countries in terms of: Contexts (Level of Development, Economic Basis, Educational System), Input (Percent of IT Professionals, National Literacy Rate, Percentage of Universities offering IT Courses), Process (Nature of Tertiary level Curriculum, Number of Years of exposure to IT, Provision of OJT in the curriculum, Instructional system, Admission status of IT courses), Output (Level of IT specialization), and Outcome (Employment status). On the basis of the hierarchical cluster analysis performed, policy recommendations are given to enhance the delivery of IT education in the Philippines and to sharpen its contribution to national development.