This paper focuses on assessing the immediate program graduate attributes and learning outcomes for the teacher preparation towards global competence initiatives. It describes the students' retrospection, which will serve as a basis for the program's strategic enhancement. This study employed a descriptive survey of 75 teacher candidates in the Philippines. Findings revealed that the top five highest program graduate attributes are lifelong learner, responsive teacher, ethical educator, subject matter expert, and multi-literate educator. Simultaneously, the bottom five are effective communicator, value-laden educator, instructional material developer, classroom manager, assessor and evaluator, and curriculum planner and implementer. Grade in experiential learning courses spelled the difference in the acquisition of graduate attributes. Implying that students with high academic performance perceived themselves to have a high level of acquisition of the Immediate Graduate Attributes (IGA). Retrospection of the respondents showed excellent satisfaction with the research and extension services, educational counseling program, and the instructors and professors' qualities while family and relatives were influential in choosing teaching as career preparation. Finally, parents' satisfaction and geographic locations are important factors that affect the teacher education program enrollment. This study will serve as reference in designing teacher education initiatives towards internationalization.