Burundi is a state party to the African Charter on the rights and welfare of the child who never produced a report as it is one of the most obligations has however to implement this charter in the way of protection and promotion of the child. The failure to report obligation calls on doubt about children's rights situation for lacking references. This research aims the analysis of the steps probably Burundi has already done or difficulties it met in the implementation of the ACRWC. The findings [from existing literature together with reports of human rights association (public and private)] in the children's rights domain show that in Burundi, violation of some children's rights, even though contained as provisions in the ACRWC has been and is taking place in Burundi. Research throughout this paper used the documentary method, analyzing, criticizing and commenting results of existing writings and reports about children's rights in Burundi. Findings in this research are to ensure, even though Burundi is a State party to the ACRWC, it did not make a great step in its implementation. Violations of most of children's rights inside that Charter are evident. Steps forward are considerably very few.