The energy and the di usivity of interfaces in the solid Fe±liquid Pb system have been investigated in the temperature range 650±900°C. Grain-boundary grooves are formed at the solid Fe±liquid Pb interface and these have been studied by atomic force microscopy. From the topography of the grooves the relative interfacial energies and interfacial di usivities are obtained. It is found that liquid Pb does not wet the grain boundaries in Fe. Possible mechanisms for the growth of the grain-boundary grooves are discussed. } 1. Introduction It has been known for a long time that liquid metals can penetrate along the grain boundaries (GBs) of solid metals, either with or without applied stress, causing a dramatic embrittlement of intrinsically ductile metals (Lynch 1982). This phenomenon is far from being understood. In the case of liquid-metal embrittlement (LME) under stress, some of the ideas of fracture mechanics can be applied (Rabkin 2000). However, the rapid penetration of liquid along the GBs in the absence of stress is more mysterious. Moreover, it is not clear whether, in a given solid±liquid couple, penetration will occur or not, because the mechanisms leading to liquid metal penetration along GBs are still largely unknown.A study of the Fe±Pb system is of special interest for the above reasons. To our knowledge, the GB wetting behaviour of this couple has not been determined unambiguously. Indeed, sessile droplet experiments with molten Pb on an Fe surface (Naidich 1972) showed that a low value for the contact angle at the triple line (which means intimate physical contact) was di cult to obtain, and that this angle was highly dependent on the solid±liquid interfacial chemistry. Naidich demonstrated that, for relatively low temperatures, the contact angle in the Fe±Pb system was atypically large for a metal±metal system, this poor wetting being associated with the presence of a thin oxide ®lm on the surface of Fe and at the Fe±Pb interface. The same kind of di culty would obviously occur in GB wetting experiments. Therefore, the e ects of the solid±liquid interface chemistry have to be properly taken into account. Moreover, the temperature dependence of the Pb solubility in solid Fe is not precisely known (Massalski et al. 1990). This makes the measurement of the true equilibrium wettability more di cult, since it can be established only when the equilibrium concentrations corresponding to the solubility limits both in