An X-ray method to observe in-situ cube grain growth during recrystallization has been devised using a hot stage to measure the growth kinetics. Complementary studies, using electron channelling contrast, electron backscattered pattern and X-ray textural analysis, revealed that specific thermal-mechanical history can precipitate out Fe solutes such that the matrix is sufficiently pure to undergo continuous recrystallization even though a fine distribution of precipitate are initially formed. These precipitates control via Zener drag the grain size upon complete recrystallization. On the other hand, 2 to 3 ppm (atomic) of Fe is sufficient to impose discontinuous recrystallization where the final grain size is controlled by grain impingement. The apparent activation energies for grain growth during recrystallization can be separated into two categories, the one for continuous recrystallization is smaller than that for Fe diffusion in A1 and the one for discontinuous process is larger. Examination of volume fraction for each textural component reveals that during recrystallization the amount of cube texture growth correlates best with the decrease of the brass component. The increase in volume fraction of cube texture during recrystallization corresponds very well to the hot stage observations of cube grain growth.