Alternate gravel bars usually appear in embanked gravel-bed river
channels regulated by dams, causing safety risks to hydraulic structures
and modifying fluvial ecology. Managing bars remains challenging and
crucial for a river restoration project. Gravel replenishment is one
measure to mitigate sediment deficits caused by dam regulation, while
its efficiency in embanked rivers with bar morphology remains still
unclear. We conducted a laboratory experiment to investigate the
morphological effects of single high-flow stockpile replenishment after
a flood event in a straight embanked channel characterized by steady
hybrid bars. Results showed that erosion of the stockpile and sediment
wave propagation mainly occurred during the high-flow period. The
stockpile was laterally more eroded when the upstream sediment supply
was maintained, while the sediment wave propagated further when the
sediment supply was eliminated. Topographic and flow velocity data
showed bar migration and suppression triggered by the forcing of the
implemented stockpile during high flows regardless of upstream sediment
supply during the flood. After the flood, bar morphology reappeared with
maintained upstream sediment supply, while a single-thread incised
channel was observed without the upstream supply. These observations
suggest that sediment replenishment, combined with different upstream
dam release manipulations, can strongly modify the initial bar
morphology of an embanked river the efficiency of which also depends on
upstream dam operations during high flows. This experiment also
benefited from a detailed data acquisition plan and analysis, providing
a dataset suitable for constructing and calibrating a 2D numerical
morphodynamic model for future sediment replenishment design.