IzvodKlimatske promene i povremeni deficit semena jarog ovsa ukazuje na potrebu raspolaganja fakultativnim sortama koje se mogu sejati tokom jeseni i ranog proleća. U cilju utvrđivanja uticaja vremena setve u jesen i proleće na prinos i komponente prinosa tokom 2015/16. i 2016/17. sezone, ispitivane su četiri fakultativne linije i fakultativna sorta ovsa Sana u agroekološkim uslovima Banjalučkog regiona. Ove linije i sorta Sana selekcionisane su u JU Poljoprivredni institut Republike Srpske, Banja Luka. Setva je obavljena u jesen i u proleće, a primenjena je tehnologija uobičajena za gajenje ozimog i jarog ovsa. Prinos po jedinici površine, dužina metlice, masa metlice, broj zrna po metlici i masa zrna po metlici imali su veće vrednosti kod svih linija i sorte Sana u jesenjoj nego prolećnoj setvi. U jesenjoj setvi prinos je iznosio 7,00-8,20 t ha -1 , a u prolećnoj setvi 6,04-6,88 t ha -1 . Maksimalni prinosi ostvaruju se setvom 500 klijavih zrna m -2 . Linija fakultativnog ovsa BL-2 ostvarila je najveći prosečni dvogodišnji prinos i u jesenjoj (8,20 t ha -1 ) i u jaroj (6,88 t ha -1 ) setvi. Sorta Sana u jesenjoj setvi ostvarila je prosečan prinos od 8,10 t ha -1 . Rezultati ovoga testiranja ukazuju na značaj stvaranja fakultativnih sorti strnih žita, čime će se rešiti povremeni deficit semena jarih sorti, koje se inače manje semenare.
AbstractClimate change and occasional seed deficit of the spring oats indicates the need to dispose of with facultative varieties, which can be sowed during autumn and early spring. In order to determine the impact of sowing time in autumn and spring on yield and yield components during 2015/16 and 2016/17, four facultative lines and the facultative variety oats Sana in the agro-ecological conditions of the Banja Luka region were tested. These lines and variety Sana have been selected by the PI Agriculture Institute of the Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka. The sowing was carried out in autumn and in the spring, with commonly applied technology for cultivation of spring oats. The yield per unit area, the length of the tassel, the mass of the tassel, the number of grain and the weight of the grain per tassel had higher values in all lines and varieties of Sana in autumn than in the spring sowing. In autumn, the yield was 7.00-8.20 t ha-1, and in the spring sowing 6.04-6.88 t ha-1. The maximum yield is achieved in the rate of the 500 emergence grains m-2. The line of facultative oats BL-2 has achieved the highest average two-year yield in autumn (8.20 t ha-1) and in the spring (6.88 t ha-1) sowing. Variety Sana in autumn sowing achieved the average yield of 8.10 t ha-1. The results of this research indicate the importance of creating facultative varieties of the spring grain, which will solve the occasional seed deficit of spring varieties, which are otherwise less grown.