This is the accepted version of the paper.This version of the publication may differ from the final published version. Consultants, GIRO, AD OPT, Omega Optimisation/Planora, and ExPretio. The importance of university spin-offs for knowledge transfer is well documented in fields such as biology and nanotechnology; however, few papers have studied university spin-offs in OR. Yet, OR has an enormous impact on society, and university spin-off firms play a key role in the diffusion of research to the world of practitioners. In this paper, we tell the story of five companies created by academics from two world-renowned OR research centers based in Montreal, and we derive lessons about academia-industry interfacing in the OR field. By so doing, we hope to improve our understanding of the creation of fruitful relationships between academics and OR practitioners.
Permanent repository link:Key words: university; industry; spin-off; operations research.History: This paper has been refereed.
The Art & Science of Practice: Academia-Industry Interfacing in Operations Research in MontrealMany companies, particularly in the transportation and telecommunications sectors, depend on operations research (OR) for their operations and survival. The existence of journals such as Interfaces, which aims to publish "papers describing real-world problems and their practical solutions" (Bollapragada 2011), offers further evidence of the lasting interest of operations researchers in real applications. Most Interfaces papers describe successful OR implementations and report on the actual practice of OR and its impact on real organizations; however, relatively few have investigated the factors that make these implementations possible; see Miller (2010) for an exception. We therefore still know relatively little about how operations researchers manage the interface between academia and practice. An important factor that enables the successful application of OR techniques within organizations is the existence of collaborations between academics and practitioners, which sometimes take the form of spin-off companies. Management scholars have long studied the importance of university spin-offs in knowledge transfer ), but they have usually focused on fields such as biology or nanotechnology.In this paper, we study the experience of academia-industry interfacing in OR in The Montreal OR community is widely recognized as a world leader in OR, as evidenced by the number of prizes and honors awarded to its professors and graduate students, the number of publications in leading OR journals by these professors and students and citations to these publications, and the community's impact on practice. Two of the eleven awardees of the Robert Montréal, a total of 294 articles (6.13 percent, n=4,796). This makes the Montreal OR community the second most-featured community in these journals; the University of California System, which comprises nine campuses, ranks first.The Montreal OR c...