In rural environments of various nations in the Americas, such as Ecuador, in recent decades the emergence of entrepreneurship initiatives linked to the tourism sector has been seen, many of them aligned with the philosophy of rural and community tourism. An example is the tourist experience offered by the Afrochoteño Territory, in the northern Andes of the country. In this region, the communities of El Chota, Juncal, Mascarilla and Salinas have ventured for about two decades in the provision of tourism services of this type. The objective is to demonstrate the impact of the tourism sectoral public policy on the tourist experience in the Afro-Chotan territory. This is how, after the combination of secondary information review techniques, in contrast to the collection of field data that involves various actors in the Afro-Colombian tourist experience, the result was that they remain valid despite the significant gap in implementation. of public policy in favor of these initiatives.