This paper presents a new methodology for characterising the evolving behaviour of the time-varying causality between multivariate time series, from the perspective of change in the structure of the causality pattern. We propose that such evolutionary behaviour should be tracked by means of a complex network whose nodes are causality patterns and edges are transitions between those patterns of causality. In our new methodology each edge has a weight that includes the frequency of the given transition and two metrics relating to the gross and net structural change in causality pattern, which we call $$\alpha$$
and $$\beta$$
. To characterise aspects of the behaviour within this network, five approaches are presented and motivated. To act as a demonstration of this methodology an application of sample data from the international oil market is presented. This example illustrates how our new methodology is able to extract information about evolving causality behaviour. For example, it reveals non-random time-varying behaviour that favours transitions resulting in predominantly similar causality patterns, and it discovers clustering of similar causality patterns and some transitional behaviour between these clusters. The example illustrates how our new methodology supports the inference that the evolution of causality in the system is related to the addition or removal of a few causality links, primarily keeping a similar causality pattern, and that the evolution is not related to some other measure such as the overall number of causality links.