Granular cell tumors (GCTs), known also as Abrikossoff tumors, are rare tumors that originates from Schwann cells that primarily localize in the tongue, skin, and submucosal tissues and involve the gastrointestinal tract in 11% of cases. We present a case of a young woman who first presented to our centre in 2018, for an EGDS to assess a thickening of the esophageal wall, seen on a CT. In that occasion, a diagnosis of Abrikossoff tumor was made. She underwent endoscopic resection with subsequent yearly follow-up without evidence of recurrence. 5 Years later, on a routine colonoscopy, we found numerous white submucosal formations in all of the explored tracts, with a histological examination compatible with GCT. Her daughter presented with a white nodule on her tongue, also diagnosed as GCT. Her daughter was also diagnosed with GCT of the tongue a few months later.