Laboratory experiments on the collapse of a liquid-saturated granular column on a horizontal plane are reported. The trigger and the resulting dynamics of the collapse when occurring, as well as the shape of the final deposit, are characterized and analyzed in light of some dimensionless parameters, namely, the "column" Bond number Bo, the grain diameter to capillary length ratio d/l c , the initial aspect ratio a, the Stokes number St, and the initial volume fraction φ, by varying the properties of the interstitial fluid and of the grains, the geometry, and the compaction of the initial granular column. The main contribution of this study is to: (i) provide a diagram of the different regimes of collapse shown to be mostly controlled by capillary effect, (ii) develop simple criteria that capture the transitions between each regime in terms of critical values of the Bond number and the ratio of the grain diameter to the capillary length, (iii) extend a predictive model of the runout for dry collapses to the more general case of liquid-saturated granular collapses, and (iv) quantify the influence of a, St, and φ on the collapse dynamics and the shape of the final deposit in the capillary-free regime. A perspective description of the role of the interstitial fluid on the spreading of the granular medium, and more particularly of the driving role of the fluid, is discussed and argued on the basis of the present set of experiments.