A one-year male child presented with pyrexia, periorbital puffiness and excessive cry for 8 days. No history of melena or blood loss. The infant's birth history and medical history were unremarkable. His development was normal, and he had no unusual dietary intake. Physical examination revealed a well-developed, irritable male infant. His temperature was 38.9°C; pulse 186/min; respirations 32/min; oxygen saturation 95% on room air; and weight, 7.5 kg (25th percentile for his age). He had pallor, distended abdomen and hepatosplenomegaly, with a liver edge palpable 5 cm below the right costal margin and a spleen tip palpable 4 cms below the left costal margin. Abdominal ultrasound revealed liver of 12 cm and spleen of 15 cm size.