We consider pattern formation in periodically forced binary systems. In particular we focus on systems in which the two species are differentially forced, one being accelerated with respect to the other. Using a continuum model consisting of two isothermal ideal gases which interact via a frictional force we demonstrate analytically that stripes form spontaneously above a critical forcing amplitude. The wavelength of the stripes is found to be close to the wavelength of sound in the limit of small viscosity. The results are confirmed numerically. We suggest that the same mechanism may contribute to the formation of stripes in experiments on horizontally oscillated granular mixtures.Binary systems subject to an oscillatory driving force are often found to phase segregate and form patterned structures [1,2]. Often this segregation can have important practical applications. For example it may provide a useful way of separating two mixed species, or conversely, it may be undesirable in an industrial process [3]. The phenomenon is well documented experimentally but a full theoretical understanding is still missing with different mechanisms for the pattern formation being proposed in the literature.Sanchez et al.[4] have carried out experiments and parallel simulations on granular mixtures immersed in water. For sufficiently large amplitudes of vibration a mixture of equal sized glass and bronze particles were found to separate into a striped pattern. Sanchez et al. proposed that the differential fluid drag on the two components of the mixture is the mechanism responsible for the segregation.Mullin et al. [5,6,7] have performed a series of experiments in which they horizontally oscillate a quasi-2 dimensional layer of bronze spheres and poppy seeds. The species are again observed to segregate into a striped pattern. However they propose a different explanation for the stripes: the effective excluded volume interactions which occur because of the different size of the shaken particles [8].Therefore our aim in this Letter is to investigate possible mechanisms for binary phase segregation by providing an approximate analytic solution to a one-dimensional isothermal continuum model describing the physics of a binary mixture of two ideal fluids. We find that if the components are differentially forced stripes are formed in the concentration above a critical forcing amplitude. The wavelength of the stripes is controlled by the velocity of sound and standing wave oscillations in the total density pay a crucial role in the stripe formation.We then relate our results more closely to experiments on granular mixtures through a simple particle model. We find that differential forcing of the two types of particle is enough to cause stripe formation even if the particles have the same mass and volume.We consider two ideal fluids, labeled A and B, which are coupled by a frictional force proportional to the difference in their velocities. The physical origin of this force is from collisions between the A and B particles which tend to...