Generally urine contains nutrients, e.g. a high nitrogen (N) which is dissolved and being available for plants, but it is easily lost into ammonia gas. Nitrogen is most needed nutrient by plants. Natural zeolites have high affinity for ammonium ions. Ammonium-impregnated zeolites can be used as slow release nitrogen fertilizer. The aim of the experiment was carried out to observe the relationship between zeolite size and their capacity to adsorp N contained in cow urine, and to investigate the effect of the size and the rates of N-urine impregnated zeolite on the growth of maize. The research was carried out as green house experiment and it was set up as completely randomized design with three replications. Four levels of zeolite was applied at the rate of 1000, 2000, 4000, and 8000 ppm; and two levels of zeolite size, viz. less than 60 mesh and 32-60 mesh. Plant and soil parameters measured were plant height, dry matter of shoots and roots, N uptake of shoot and root, and soil cation exchange capacity (CEC). The results showed that the smaller the size of zeolites, the higher the adsorption of urine-N. However the effect of the zeolite size of 60 mesh on plant height, drymatter of shoots and roots of 21 day maize, N uptake of root, and soil CEC was significantly higher than the application of zeolite with size less than 30 mesh. Zeolite-urine rate of 2000 ppm significantly increased the plant height, dry matter of shoots, N uptake of roots, and soil CEC, but interaction between the size and the rate of zeolite showed no significant difference in all parameters observed. All plant growth parameters tend to decrease with the rate application of zeolite-urine of more than 2000 ppm ABSTRAK Urine umumnya mengandung unsur hara, terutama nitrogen (N) yang tinggi, mudah larut dan tersedia bagi tanaman, tetapi mudah hilang dalam bentuk gas amonia. Nitrogen merupakan unsur hara yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh tanaman. Zeolit merupakan mineral yang memiliki mempunyai afinitas yang tinggi terhadap ion amonium. Zeolit yang mengandung amonium dapat digunakan sebagai pupuk lambat tersedia. Tujuan percobaan ini adalah untuk melihat hubungan antara ukuran zeolit dengan kemampuannya menjerap nitrogen yang terkandung dalam urine sapi, dan mengamati pengaruh ukuran dan takaran zeolit yang telah dicampur dengan urine sapi terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman jagung. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan percobaan pot di rumah kaca yang disusun secara acak lengkap dengan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah empat taraf takaran zeolit: 1000, 2000, 4000, dan 8000 ppm dengan dua taraf ukuran zeolit, yaitu kurang dari 60 mesh dan 32-60 mesh. Parameter tanaman dan tanah yang diukur adalah tinggi tanaman, bobot kering bagian atas dan akar tanaman, serapan N bagian atas dan akar tanaman, serta KTK tanah. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa jerapan N-urine semakin besar dengan semakin halus ukuran zeolit. Tetapi pengaruh pemberian zeolit-urine dengan ukuran 60 mesh terhadap tinggi tanaman, bobot kering bagian atas dan akar tanaman jagung umur 21 hari, ...