Given a finitely generated group G, we are interested in common geometric properties of all graphs of faithful actions of G. In this article we focus on their growth. We say that a group G has a Schreier growth gap f pnq if every faithful G-set X satisfies volG,X pnq ě f pnq, where volG,X pnq is the growth of the action of G on X. Here we study Schreier growth gaps for finitely generated solvable groups.We prove that if a metabelian group G is either finitely presented or torsion-free, then G has a Schreier growth gap n 2 , provided G is not virtually abelian. We also prove that if G is a metabelian group of Krull dimension k, then G has a Schreier growth gap n k . For instance the wreath product Cp Z d has a Schreier growth gap n d , and Z Z d has a Schreier growth gap n d`1 . These lower bounds are sharp. For solvable groups of finite Prüfer rank, we establish a Schreier growth gap exppnq, provided G is not virtually nilpotent. This covers all solvable groups that are linear over Q. Finally for a vast class of torsion-free solvable groups, which includes solvable groups that are linear, we establish a Schreier growth gap n 2 .