Abstract-In this article we analyze the problem of optimal location of transportation hubs in Warsaw, namely the Park and Ride location problem (P&RP). We take into account the expected travel time using public transport between particular points of the trip. In the currently existing P&R system we have 14 hub locations, and in this case the maximum travel time exceeds 50 minutes. The P&R problem can be reduced to the centers location problem (in our particular approach -the dominating set problem, DS), which is an NP hard problem. In order to determine the optimal locations for P&R two methods: the greedy and the tabu search algorithms were chosen and implemented. According to the computational experiments for the travel time restriction to 50 minutes, we obtain the DS composed of 3 hubs, in contrast to the existing 14 elements. The analysis of the P&R location in time domain is presented in this article in the context of further development of the Warsaw public transportation network, which seems to be interesting.