In this paper, we introduce CatSumm (Cengiz, Ali, Taner Summarization), a novel method for multi-document document summarisation. The suggested method forms a summarization according to three main steps: Representation of input texts, the main stages of the CatSumm model, and sentence scoring. A Text Processing software, is introduced and used to protect the semantic loyalty between word groups at stage of representation of input texts. Spectral Sentence Clustering (SSC), one of the main stages of the CatSumm model, is the summarization process obtained from the proportional values of the sub graphs obtained after spectral graph segmentation. Obtaining super edges is another of the main stages of the method, with the assumption that sentences with weak values below a threshold value calculated by the standard deviation (SD) cannot be included in the summary. Using the different node centrality methods of the CatSumm approach, it forms the sentence rating phase of the recommended summarising approach, determining the significant nodes and hence significant nodes. Finally, the result of the CatSumm method for the purpose of text summarisation within the in the research was measured ROUGE metrics on the Document Understanding Conference (DUC-2004, DUC-2002 datasets. The presented model produced 44.073%, 53.657%, and 56.513% summary success scores for abstracts of 100, 200 and 400 words, respectively.