Over a series of publications we have introduced a graph-theoretic
description for molecular fragmentation. Here, a system is divided
into a set of nodes, or vertices, that are then connected through
edges, faces, and higher-order simplexes to represent a collection
of spatially overlapping and locally interacting subsystems. Each
such subsystem is treated at two levels of electronic structure theory,
and the result is used to construct many-body expansions that are
then embedded within an ONIOM-scheme. These expansions converge rapidly
with many-body order (or graphical rank) of subsystems and have been
previously used for ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) calculations
and for computing multidimensional potential energy surfaces. Specifically,
in all these cases we have shown that CCSD and MP2 level AIMD trajectories
and potential surfaces may be obtained at density functional theory
cost. The approach has been demonstrated for gas-phase studies, for
condensed phase electronic structure, and also for basis set extrapolation-based
AIMD. Recently, this approach has also been used to derive new quantum-computing
algorithms that enormously reduce the quantum circuit depth in a circuit-based
computation of correlated electronic structure. In this publication,
we introduce (a) a family of neural networks that
act in parallel to represent, efficiently, the post-Hartree–Fock
electronic structure energy contributions for all simplexes (fragments),
and (b) a new k-means-based tessellation strategy to glean training
data for high-dimensional molecular spaces and minimize the extent
of training needed to construct this family of neural networks. The
approach is particularly useful when coupled cluster accuracy is desired
and when fragment sizes grow in order to capture nonlocal interactions
accurately. The unique multidimensional k-means tessellation/clustering
algorithm used to determine our training data for all fragments is
shown to be extremely efficient and reduces the needed training to
only 10% of data for all fragments to obtain accurate neural networks
for each fragment. These fully connected dense neural networks are
then used to extrapolate the potential energy surface for all molecular
fragments, and these are then combined as per our graph-theoretic
procedure to transfer the learning process to a full
system energy for the entire AIMD trajectory at less than one-tenth
the cost as compared to a regular fragmentation-based AIMD calculation.