Let (G, w) be a weighted graph with a weight-function w : E(G) → R\{0}. A weighted graph (G, w) is invertible to a new weighted graph if its adjacency matrix is invertible. A graph inverse has combinatorial interest and can be applied to bound median eigenvalues of a graph such as have physical meanings in Quatumn Chemistry. In this paper, we characterize the inverse of a weighted graph based on its Sachs subgraphs that are spanning subgraphs with only K2 or cycles (or loops) as components. The characterization can be used to find the inverse of a weighted graph based on its structures instead of its adjacency matrix. If a graph has its spectra split about the origin, i.e., half of eigenvalues are positive and half of them are negative, then its median eigenvalues can be bounded by estimating the largest and smallest eigenvalues of its inverse. We characterize graphs with a unique Sachs subgraph and prove that these graphs has their spectra split about the origin if they have a perfect matching. As applications, we show that the median eigenvalues of stellated graphs of trees and corona graphs belong to different halves of the interval [−1, 1].