We consider the problem of detecting a noisy induced multiplex template network in a larger multiplex background network. Our approach, which extends the framework of [36] to the multiplex setting, leverages a multiplex analogue of the classical graph matching problem to use the template as a matched filter for efficiently searching the background for candidate template matches. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated both theoretically and empirically, with particular attention paid to the potential benefits of considering multiple channels.for a definition of multiplex isomorphism), accounting for the reality that relatively large, complex subgraph templates may only errorfully occur in the larger background network. These errors may be due to missing edges/vertices in the template or background, and arise in a variety of real data settings [34]. The subgraph isomorphism problem-given a template A, determine if an isomorphic copy of A exists in a larger network B and find the isomorphic copy (or copies) if it exists-has been the subject of voluminous research in the monoplex (i.e., single layer) setting, with approaches based on efficient tree search [38], color coding [3, 2], graph homomorphisms [18], rule-based/filter-based matchings [10,29], among others; for a survey of the literature circa 2012, see [24]. In contrast, the problem of multilayer homomorphic/isomorphic subgraph detection is still in its relative infancy, with comparatively fewer existing methods in the literature; see, for example, [41,37,29]. Notation: The following notation will be used throughout. For an integer n > 0, we will define [n] := {1, 2, . . . , n}, J n to be the n × n hollow matrix with all off-diagonal entries identically set to 1, 0 n to be the n × n matrix with all entries identically set to 0,