An index for a finite automaton is a powerful data structure that supports locating paths labeled with a query pattern, thus solving pattern matching on the underlying regular language. The problem is hard in the general case: a recent conditional lower bound suggests that, in the worst case, deciding at query time whether a pattern of length m belongs to the substring closure of the language accepted by A requires Ω(m • |A|) time. On the other hand, Gagie et al. [TCS 2017] introduced a subclass of automata that allow an optimal Õ(m)-time solution based on prefix-sorting the states in a total order. In this paper, we solve the long-standing problem of indexing arbitrary finite automata, matching the above bounds. Our solution consists in finding a partial co-lexicographic order of the states and proving, as in the total order case, that states reached by a given string form one interval on the partial order, thus enabling indexing. We provide a lower bound stating that such an interval requires O(p) words to be represented, p being the order's width (i.e. the size of its largest antichain). Indeed, we show that p determines the complexity of several fundamental problems on finite automata: (i) Letting σ be the alphabet size, we provide an encoding for NFAs using ⌈log σ⌉ + 2⌈log p⌉ + 2 bits per transition and a smaller encoding for DFAs using ⌈log σ⌉ + ⌈log p⌉ + 2 bits per transition. This is achieved by generalizing the Burrows-Wheeler transform to arbitrary automata. (ii) We show that indexed pattern matching can be solved in Õ(m • p 2 ) query time on NFAs. (iii) We provide a polynomial-time algorithm to index DFAs, while matching the optimal value for p.On the other hand, we prove that the problem is NP-hard on NFAs. (iv) We show that, in the worst case, the classic powerset construction algorithm for NFA determinization generates an equivalent DFA of size 2 p (n − p + 1) − 1, where n is the number of NFA's states. Contribution (i) provides a new compression paradigm for labeled graphs. Contributions (ii)-(iii) solve the regular language indexing problem, notably with a polynomial-time solution for DFAs. Contribution (iv) implies a new FPT analysis for the complexity of classic algorithms on automata, including membership and equivalence (the latter being PSPACE-complete when input automata are NFAs).