An embedding of a metric graph (G, d) on a closed hyperbolic surface is essential, if each complementary region has a negative Euler characteristic. We show, by construction, that given any metric graph, its metric can be rescaled so that it admits an essential and isometric embedding on a closed hyperbolic surface. The essential genus g e (G) of (G, d) is the lowest genus of a surface on which such an embedding is possible. In the next result, we establish a formula to compute g e (G). Furthermore, we show that for every integer g ≥ g e (G), (G, d) admits such an embedding (possibly after a rescaling of d) on a surface of genus g.Next, we study minimal embeddings where each complementary region has Euler characteristic −1. The maximum essential genus g max e (G) of (G, d) is the largest genus of a surface on which the graph is minimally embedded. Finally, we describe a method explicitly for an essential embedding of (G, d), where g e (G) and g max e (G) are realized.