The Pearl River Map Turtle, Graptemys pearlensis (Family Emydidae), is a moderatesized aquatic turtle endemic to the Pearl River drainage of Louisiana and Mississippi. This taxon has long been a cryptic species, as it was considered part of G. pulchra before 1992 and part of G. gibbonsi until 2010. Graptemys pearlensis exhibits sexual dimorphism, with adult females being considerably larger (carapace length to 295 mm) than adult males (CL to 121 mm). In the 1960s and 1970s, the species was commonly found in higher abundance than the sympatric G. oculifera, a federally listed species. However, due to habitat degradation and the precipitous decline of native mollusks, the species is now found in lower numbers than G. oculifera throughout much of its range. The current IUCN Red List status is Endangered; however, very little is known about the natural history and ecology of the species, which will make conservation efforts challenging. distRibution. -USA. Restricted to the Pearl River drainage of Mississippi and Louisiana. synonymy. -Graptemys pearlensis Ennen, Lovich, Kreiser, Selman, and Qualls 2010. subspEciEs. -None recognized. status. -IUCN 2015 Red List: Endangered (EN A1bcde+4bcde; assessed 2013);