“…In the present investigation, participants grasped and pantomime-grasped differently sized objects (20, 30, 40, and 50 mm) and we evaluated participants sensitivity to detecting changes in object size by computing the within-participant standard deviations of grip aperture (i.e., the JNDs) at normalized deciles of grasping time (see . In accord with previous work (Heath, Holmes, Mulla, & Binsted, 2012;Heath, Mulla, Holmes, & Smuskowitz, 2011;Holmes & Heath, 2013;Holmes, Mulla, Binsted, & Heath, 2011), it was predicted that JNDs during the later stages of the grasping condition would elicit a null scaling to object size. More directly, we predicted that the trial-to-trial stability (i.e., visuomotor certainty) of participants grip aperture (i.e., the comparator) during the late stage of the response would be refractory to the size of the to-be-grasped target object (i.e., the initial stimulus).…”