A method for determining organic acid levels in biological materials by silica gel partition column chromatography (pcc) is described. It uses tetrabromophenolphthalein ethyl ester, which has E. high molar absorbency, for quantitating the acids in the column effluent. The concentrations of several organic acids were determined in two species of crested wheatgrass, Nordan (Agropyron ciesertorum) and Fairway (A. cristatum), grown. under different conditions of K fertilization. For comparison, aconitic, citric, and malic acids were also determined by polarography, spectrophotometry, and fluorometry, respectively. Results obtained by these methods agreed with the data obtained by pcc. The concentration of trans-aconitic acid averaged about 96 and 21 mequiv/kg of dry matter in Nordan and Fairway, respectively, when grown in the greenhouse without K. K fertilization (312 kg/ha) approximately doubled the trans-aconitic acid concentration in both species. Fairway contained 363 mequiv/kg of malic acid, while Nordan contained 280 mequiv/kg. K fertilization increased these concentrations to 611 and 446 mequiv/kg, respectively. Citric acid was increased by K fertilization, but there was no significant difference between species and in no case was the citric acid concentration greater than 80 mequiv/kg of dry matter.